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Staying Safe While Grocery Shopping & At Home

May 7, 2020

Food safety is a popular topic in the media, with recalls, restaurant reports and such. But now, in the time of COVID-19, there is some misinformation when it comes to food safety swirling around the internet.  We are here to provide some up-to-date and accurate information for keeping you and your food safe.   

When it comes to obtaining your food items, which are essential, things have become a little more complicated.  Curb-side pick up or delivery for groceries is an option, but if you are venturing out here’s some guidance.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) currently recommends staying at least 6ft from other shoppers and wearing a mask  while grocery shopping to protect others and yourself.  We recommend making a list of items and plan for 1-2 weeks of food so you can limit time in the store. Check out this meal planning guide for some guidance.  

When you get your groceries home, here are some ways to stay safe:  

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, after unloading bags from car into your home 

  • No need to sanitize food items or food packaging 

  • There is currently no evidence that  food or food packaging has been linked to getting sick from COVID-19 

  • Follow food safety guidelines for putting away groceries  

Food Safety guidelines: 

  • Get your cold food into the fridge or freezer quickly as to limit time in the temperature “danger” zone  

  • Perishable food should not be kept out for more than 2hrs or 1hr if outside temp is 90F degrees or more  

  • Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs separate from all other foods in the fridge 

  • Before preparing or eating food, it's important to wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds  

  • Before eating Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running water 

  • Please do not use bleach or other cleaning products on food items 

  • Use separate cutting boards and plates for raw meat, poultry and seafood 

  • Cook your foods to the proper internal temperature 

This is a quick guide on some of the basics. Using a critical eye when consuming media reports on food and shopping safety is important. Choosing reputable sources like the CDCFDA and USDA are helpful ways to get some more detailed and accurate information if you have questions! 


Individual consultations designed to nourish your body and mind are available for UArizona students at Campus Health in an online and/or in-person format. Dietitians are available for appointments Monday-Friday.  To make an appointment, call: (520) 621-9202.