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Online Dating Tips

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When it comes to online dating, everyone seems to have an opinion. But whether you think swiping right is the ultimate way to meet your bae, or the end of dating as we know it –the reality is that it’s here to stay. The following tips can help keep you safe and may even increase your odds of finding love in the time of Tinder:

  1. Do your homework– Remember how you had to cite multiple sources in that last paper you wrote? Take the same approach with your potential dates by cross-referencing them on social media to avoid reeling in “catfish.” Check out their other social media profiles to see if things check out, and pay attention to their posts.
  2. Take your time– A lot can come to light in the period between when you “meet” someone online and before the big offline reveal. Chat with them until you feel comfortable sharing your number, but not before. As the tinder website states, “We don't conduct criminal background checks on our users, so it’s up to you to do your own research and remain cautious.”
  3. Meet in public– Ready to see if the real thing matches that perfect profile pic? Meet up in the daytime, in a public place – local coffeeshops are usually a good bet. Consider bringing a friend along or at least choose a place where you know a friend is not far away.
  4. Bring yourself– Be in control of your own transportation to the meet up spot, whether it’s driving, taking a cab, walking, etc. Don’t accept any offers to get picked up at home.
  5. Tell a friend– If you are heading out alone, be sure to tell a friend who you are meeting and where you are going. Charge your phone beforehand out so you can stay connected.
  6. Avoid booze– To keep your judgement clear for those first initial encounters.
  7. Use your head – ...and trust your gut. They are still your best defense against sketchy people and scenarios in the brave new world of mobile dating.

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SexTalk is written by health educators in the Health Promotion Department at Campus Health.