Silver Linings & Lessons Learned During the COVID Cloud

Let’s face it: living through the this COVID pandemic hasn’t been easy. And if we’ve learned anything, the wild ride on the “Coronacoaster” isn’t over, yet. However, some parts of the journey have brought us opportunities for gratefulness and growth.
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “behind every dark cloud is a silver lining.” It’s a hopeful way of saying that bad situations hold the prospect of something good. Having a positive outlook during difficult times can help us get through tough times in our lives. Searching for the good in the world helps us to bounce back from disappointments, loss, and even grief. Looking on the bright side helps us to be resilient. And expressing gratitude can lift our spirits during dark times.
Since March 2020, many students have experienced losses: of health, of jobs, of in-person learning, of loved ones, and more. It has often felt like we are all living under very dark storm clouds.
We asked students to share their “silver linings” during the “COVID Cloud.” The gratitude that poured out was uplifting! We hope these inspire you or encourage you to search for the lessons learned and positive aspects in your life.
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A ton of free time |
Friends |
I got a dog and I got to spend more time with my partner since we both work from home |
I am grateful for my physical health |
More time with my “doggos” |
Buying a new to me car |
Spent lots of time with my cats |
My wife |
I have had more time to spend with family. |
Good family moments. |
I have had more time to self-reflect and know more about myself. |
I am grateful for the support my mom gives me |
I was pushed out of my comfort zone and learned to be a better remote student |
My body, and all of its capabilities |
I got the best job in the world as an exotic technician assistant |
That I got to live with my bf for the summer |
Saved a lot of gas money |
My health :) |
Helped me be more empathetic |
Meeting new friends |
I could spend more time with my fiancé |
Finding an apartment |
Personal growth |
My health |
Got to adopt a cat |
School starting |
I enjoy staying at home. |
I renewed my scholarship! :) |
Being able to manage my time better |
That my family is safe |
I started working out because of it, spending more time with my family. |
My family. |
Deepened friendships I kept through the pandemic. |
A new apartment. Good friends. |
Working at home with my pet |
Love |
The time to reflect, learned coping mechanisms. |
I'm grateful for the monsoon and my roommate |
Slowing down |
All the rain and beautiful ecology |
I get to do school from home |
I got to move out of Tucson |
I've learned how to navigate online programs better |
My family |
Definitely learning to wash my hands more often! And being mindful of others’ disabilities or medical conditions. |
I am grateful for the support I get from my parents and being able to see my brother who has been in the Navy for the past couple of years! |
Spending more time with my family and dog |
Being alive and healthy |
Get to spend more time with my mother who is recovering from cancer and brain surgery |
None of my roommates (4 of us total) have gotten covid this semester |
I got to work on myself and get a new perspective on life |
Being home and being safe |
I've spent more time with family |
My friends |
Taking a class from my bed |
My family |
I've learned more about what I can and cannot handle |
Still being able to be on campus and learning my independence |
Spending time with nephews and nieces |
Everything! |
I got really close with the girls I live with since we are always together |
Being able to see my family |
I feel less distracted than I have been in the past. I have more time to get things down. I have also been able to sleep significantly more, I am no longer chronically sleep deprived. |
My health |
Spending more time at home this summer was very beneficial for my mental health as I was going through a break-up. |
I am grateful for my family and the fact that we have food in our home, and we are safe and healthy |
I have been able to find out who is there for me and is worth my time |
My health and family |
I got closer with my family, we started going on walks together |
I am grateful for my friends and family, and the opportunities I've been given during this difficult time |
Getting able to get out of bed 5 minutes before my zoom classes :) |
I'm grateful for my best friends and my family |
Yes! My dad travels a lot so having him home over the summer before I went to college was so nice! |
Family |
Getting to be with my dad more |
My family |
More one on one time. More time with family |
My boyfriend and my cat and my dad |
I like how covid-19 has shown me who my real friends are and who I can rely on. |
I’m grateful for my friends and family |
My roommate/best friend helping me |
My mom |