Dorm Room Warrior
Sept. 1, 2017
Common stressors in college can cause us to avoid physical activity. Finding the time to get a workout in can seem overwhelming, however finding time to do a 30-minute workout can be easier than you think. Here is a circuit you can do in your room to help you stay active. Make sure to warm-up and cool-down before and after every workout. Perform the exercises for 25 seconds and rest between each for 10 seconds. Take a 2-minute rest after completion, and run through 3 times.
- Squat (option: squat and jump)
- Standing Lunge (options: pushback lunge, or wear your backpack
- Glute Bridge (option: single leg)
- Push-Up (options: on your knees, or put a textbook under your chest for decreased depth)
- Arm Bag Row (option: use both hands at the same time)
- Textbook Straight-Arm Hold (options: use both hands at once in front, or do one arm at each side)
- Textbook Curls
- Bed or Chair Dips
- Plank (option: on your knees, or mountain climbers)