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5 Tricks To Deal With Anxiety

April 3, 2020
There people anxious and biting nails

Q: What’s the top mental health problem for college students?

A: Anxiety!

According to recent studies, nearly one in six college students have been diagnosed with/treated for anxiety and more than 20% report that anxiety affects their academic performance. And right here at UA, more than 60% of the students surveyed at Counseling & Psych Services (CAPS) said they came in for help with anxiety.

If tension, worry, or even panic get in your way, know that you’re not alone and there’s something you can do about it.

Try these 5 tricks to deal with anxiety:

  1. Take a deep breath from your belly and exhale slowly to calm down and refocus your mind.
  2. Think smaller. If you’re overwhelmed or stuck, break up large problems or tasks into concrete, bite-sized chunks.
  3. What now (not what if). If you’re stuck in “what if,” worried thinking, refocus on what information, resources, and solutions are available to you now.
  4. Take breaks during the day to move or stretch. Walking around the building, taking the stairs, jumping in place, or dancing to your favorite song can all help release pent-up anxious energy.
  5. Be kind to yourself. If you’re hard on yourself or worried about what others think, give yourself a big dose of kindness by remembering your strengths and encouraging yourself in a tough situation.

Need more help with anxiety?  Check out these self-help resources or stop by CAPS to speak with a counselor.