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5 Stress Secrets No One Told You

Sept. 1, 2019
a person stressed looking at his laptop

1. Stress is your body’s response to a situation. Ever wonder why public speaking, driving, or taking a test stresses out some people but not others? Whether or not you get stressed depends on how your brain perceives/interprets a situation. Is it perceived as a threat, or a challenge you can overcome? The answer to this question can change your stress response.

2. Not all stress is bad. Good stress (called eustress) is beneficial to us. It’s the feeling of excitement we get when there is no fear/threat perceived. Think about when you go on a first date, ride a roller coaster, gear up for a big game, etc. Our bodies go into flight or fight (stress response) where the heart beats faster, breath quickens, muscles tighten, etc.

3. Our bodies give us clues that we’re stressed. Common clues over time include: increased irritability, getting sick, trouble sleeping, back/neck pain, digestive problems, and increased blood pressure.

4. It is possible to minimize stress’ impact. Healthy coping skills are key to managing stress. Try relaxation techniques, physical activity, social support, mindfulness, deep breathing, time management, and/or taking a break and doing something you enjoy.

5. It’s ok to ask for help. Sometimes the amount of stress we experience becomes overwhelming. When that happens, ask for help. There’s support for you right here on campus. Walk-in or call Counseling & Psych Services at (520) 621-333